About Us
Get Me Healthcare & Tobias & Assocites Inc. has been protecting local friends, neighbors and businesses against the inevitable bumps and bruises of life since 2009. Our...Read More
Healthcare Reform
Healthcare reform in the U.S. was aimed at improving access, cost and services. When the idea was first floated during the administration of former President Barack Obama...Read More
Insurance Plan
The need to navigate health insurance providers and their plethora of plans existed long before the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act went into effect in March 2010...Read More
Get Me Healthcare & Tobias & Assocites Inc. has been protecting local friends, neighbors and businesses against the inevitable bumps and bruises of life since 2009. Our management team has over 18 years of experience individually and a combined 60 plus years inside the industry pioneering the sale of Health insurance via the phone.
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Healthcare reform in the U.S. was aimed at improving access, cost and services. When the idea was first floated during the administration of former President Barack Obama, Americans had to take a hard look at the quality of treatment they received and as a result were often shocked to learn that other industrialized countries were doing..
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The need to navigate health insurance providers and their plethora of plans existed long before the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act went into effect in March 2010. Being able to find a health insurance plan that truly fits your personal needs is a weight off one’s shoulders — and this is where Tobias and Associates can help.
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Starting today, enroll in or renew 2022 health coverage

Attention: Enroll in or renew 2022 health insurance today! You have through January 15 to apply for new 2022 health insurance, or renew, change, or update your 2021 health plan for 2022. Enroll by December 15, 2021 for coverage that starts January 1, 2…

Starting today, enroll in or renew 2022 health coverage

Attention: Enroll in or renew 2022 health insurance today! You have through January 15 to apply for new 2022 health insurance, or renew, change, or update your 2021 health plan for 2022. Enroll by December 15, 2021 for coverage that starts January 1, 2…

Open Enrollment for 2022 coverage is days away

The wait is almost over: Open Enrollment for 2022 health insurance starts November 1. As you get ready to apply, here are a few important things to know:

Enroll in or renew 2022 coverage starting November 1

Enroll by December 15, 2021 for covera…

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